Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Beginning

Once upon a time a girl named Lauren got accepted to study abroad for the semester at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales with 16 of her most esteemed tree hugging friends.  Just minutes from the beach, these friends quickly grew fond of the laid back yet exciting nature of the Australians, while keeping up with the “rigorous” orientation schedule (if only the girls had been warned sooner to pack more dresses…).   During the first few days, these students could be found in the reject store, walking on the beach, or checking out Kenny's pokemon, and most likely with some nutella and toast in hand.  After such a wonderful week, the students could not be more excited to explore, travel, and most importantly geologize for the next semester in SASSTRALIA.  Enjoy the adventures!  
The Colgaters in front of Sydney's Opera House

Fun fact:  Kangaroos and Emus are included in the Australian Coat of Arms because they cannot walk backwards, and therefore are representative of Australia moving forward as a country.

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