Thursday, August 26, 2010

Symbio Wildlife Park and Heathcote Trail


Friday, August 20 we went to the Symbio Wildlife Park.  The afternoon commenced with a Lauren/Koala photo shoot, and then we got to feed some kangaroos.  We also saw an echidna, a Tasmanian devil, llamas, and red pandas.  However, the red panda visit was not quite as enjoyable as one may expect, because a friendly lorikeet decided my outfit was lacking and decided to share his lunch with my shirt.  After laughing at me for about 15 minutes, my friends decided to be helpful, and we all went to the gift shop where I got awesome shirt with sweet Australian animals on it.
snack time with the koalas. 

Heathcote Trail
On Saturday, August 21 I hiked the Heathcote trail with a bunch of friends.  The hike took a better part of the day, and was my first real encounter with bushwalking.  Where we all got pretty scratched up, it was still lots of fun.  There were a couple cool look out points along the way, and even some vesiculated basalts!

Fun fact:  Lorikeets suck. 

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